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TOPIC: I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average?

I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1304995048

+1 for an update
Hope you are better

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290536091

I didn\'t mean to insult anyone or be condescending . The fact is my penis is not giving me pleasure and isn\'t satisfying the women I am sleeping with. I try very hard in bed as well. My size is considered very small.

It\'s not like I am sitting here and complaining about things. I am making a change. I have a great personality and an excellent physique, which by the way is extremely difficult to achieve with low testosterone levels. Not only that but I also volunteer and help out in the community.

What I want is a good sex life for myself, and right now I\'m not having it.

I\'m not complaining anymore I am going to do something about this. First I need to get my erectile dysfunction problem solved and then I will use an all day stretcher. Afterwards, I\'ll get PMMA or something for Girth.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290535622

You do NOT have a micropenis. Such a claim is both insulting to those who have micropenises and to those who lead relatively healthy sex lives with a 5\" size. Focus on improving erections, that\'s where you\'ll find most success pleasing women. Getting down on yourself for such a normal size is such a first world dilemma... I\'m not even sure if I\'m obliged to try and cheer you up. Jesus.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290535362


I agree with you 100%. I believe low testosterone is my problem. The doctor said my levels were normal and then told me that a 60 yr old\'s average was 600. He kept contradicting himself.

Honestly a 400 level for a 21 year old is ridiculously low. Especially for someone like me who goes to the gym 5 days a week and does not smoke or drink.

My levels were measured at 900 at 17. The levels are supposed to peak at 25 so I just don\'t know what\'s going on here.

I already saw 2 doctor\'s they said I am normal but clearly something is wrong I\'m not getting morning boners at all or any erections unless I masturbate.

So right now I am working on solving the ed and low testosterone problem.

Then I will start the ads and do that for a couple of years. Then I\'ll get PMMA for the Girth.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290532781

400 test at your age is def not normal... go to see another doc because you should be well over 800 to 1200. I know cause my test just was tested at 140 which I dont know how it went that low because back in the day I went to a doc and had it tested and it was 1100 or so. WTF happened and now I am doing testosterone therapy and stuff to get it back at age 40. I still get hard as a rock and can last as long but going the 2nd or 3rd round like it did back in the day doesnt happen anymore or I should say very rarely.

5 Inch length Erect is def not a micro penis either so your fine there. The vac stuff I dont know so I wont comment but 400 testosterone level in your 20s is horrible and probably the reason for all this.

If you stretch you can get 2 inches in a few years or so. I just got back into but I did it a while back for 8 months and gained almost 1 Inch. So just get a good ADS and wear it 8 hours a day every day for 1 or 2 years and you will see the Erect size grow.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290526392

I just checked out the website What is the name of the stretcher? I will make the purchase.

I have no problem wearing it 8 hours a day it\'s just that I am going to wait until I get my morning erections back and then I\'ll start the stretching.

Things aren\'t looking so bleak if I can get my Erection problem straightened out.

I should be able to get that 1 Inch length after 3 years of stretching and 1 Inch Girth from PMMA. Afterwards I\'ll be good to go and I\'ll only be 24 so I\'ll style be able to enjoy my 20s.

But this is all contingent on getting my morning erections back to normal. That\'s the big issue here.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290525625

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An Inch is definitely possible through stretching but you need to commit to 8 hours a day minimum for a year using a mix of light and heavy tension in short amounts. I gained 1.25 inches over a year and a half, but was really, really invested in doing it everyday and for at least 8 hours. I adapted the grip so I could wear it under clothes, as you can\'t stay home standing up with weights on your Dick for 8 hours a day.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290525380


I tried Cialis 10mg it didn\'t work for me. I had a soft boner. I can still get boners but they are not as hard, long or thick as they once were. Right now I am taking a complete break from sex, masturbation and porn for 3 months to see if that helps.


I have not been able to get a full rock hard Erection once. Before I was 5.1 inches Erect length and 5 Inch Girth. Honestly I was very overzealous with the pump, which was a huge mistake. I am very depressed about my size especially length and Girth. Now my Girth is much much smaller and my length is slightly smaller. If I can recover my length and get my Girth to 6 inches I will be a very happy man, with a good sex life.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290524713

He said it was for Viagra, which personally I do not care for. I prefer Cialis at 5mg daily, although it can get expensive. I would only start the 5mg on Wednesdays and continue until Friday morning. That would be good for the weekend if I get lucky.

mc, have you tried viewing porn to see if that arouses anything? I don\'t advocate porn whatsoever, but in your case, it may help. Porn ruined me in as much that I couldn\'t get it up for a normal sex activity since it didn\'t stimulate me as porn could. again, try this only for a few days to see if it helps.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290521822

Please help guys I just want to reach average size before I\'m done with school

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290521811

I really made made a mistake. I used 7hg of vaccum but for the most part I was between 5 and 7. I am at the Urologist\'s office he\'s being unhelpful. He\'s saying that there\'s no surgery that I can do. He says my testosterone levels of 400 are normal. They are not.

He just told me it\'s a shame that a guy my age can\'t get erections and gave me a card for a psychiatrist. A prescription for viagra also. That\'s ridiculous.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290520509

You make a \"OK sign\" with your index finger and thumb. Pull underneath the head of your penis in different directions, and hold it for 5 seconds each.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290519603

I tried the stretching for a few days it has made my erections worse. Maybe I\'m not doing it right.

But stretching supposed to work. There\'s no doubt about it.

I am willing to wear an extender or ads for hours everyday for a year or two as long as I know I won\'t be causing any harm to my penis and I will be gaining a little bit of size.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290509606

Something similar happened to me when use to over pump. I never saw an Urologist, but I started manually stretching my penis. I found it helped out a lot, I\'m even harder then I ever was before. Pull behind the glands in different directions. Left, right, up,down. I\'m sure it will help.

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I have a small penis and erectile dysfunction. I have been feeling recently. Is there anything I can do to get to average? 9 years 2 months ago #1290509340

Definitely go see a Urologist.

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